
Swarms & Stings

Swarms and Stings

Swarms of Bees

Qualified swarm collectors can be found on the British Beekeepers Association web site www.bbka.org.uk



Bee Sting Treatment

Remove the sting immediately using a long fingernail or sharp tool taking care not to “pump” more venom into the 

victim. You will either see the bee still on the victim or the sting with a golden blob attached to the sting that needs to be removed. If you have short nails and or a sharp tool to remove the sting pinch it out as it is important to remove the sting as quickly as possible.

Get away from the dying bee and the area of the incident because when bees are in danger they release a scent that attracts other Bees to ward off the intruder. If you are in the area when these arrive they will possibly attack you to.

If the victim is allergic to bee stings and is carrying an EpiPen use it and call 999 for an ambulance at the same time giving your place you are at a useful App to know where you are is 

 Watch the victim for signs of anaphylaxis – itching, hives, redness, raised welts and most importantly any difficulty in breathing.  Antihistamine can slow an anaphylactic reaction, but will not stop it.

Non Non-allergic victims will almost always develop local reactions to bee stings. Redness, swelling, and pain are all common at the site of the bee sting. An ice pack is useful in reducing swelling at the site of the sting. Antihistamines tablets and calamine lotion can also help. Swelling from stings inflicted in these areas can cause complications such as short breadth, even in non-allergic victims.

Seek medical assistance if the victim has been stung more than 10 times, or if there are bee stings inside the nose, mouth, or throat.  Pain relief can be helped using Ibuprofen Acetaminophen.

The pain usually goes away quite quickly, but localised swelling may last for more than a day and is often succeeded by itching. Cold compression and Calamine location can be Helpful. A packet of frozen food can be used.