


 Contact Sue Clark  01227 721104
The Search for the Best Strain of Bee 5
Beekeeping for Recreation and Profit 4
Moving Bees 6
Siting Hives 6
Honey Bee Anatomy 8
Advice for Beekeeping 9
Keeping Bees 5
Home Honey Production 6
Listen to the Bees 8
Honey from Your Garden 7
A Bee Melody 7
The Honey Bee (Sense, Physiology and Behaviour) 3
Animal Societies- From Bee to Gorilla 7
Beeswax 5
Queen Rearing Simplified 5
Talking Bee Sense 8
Principles of Practical Bee Keeping 6
A Comprehensive Survey : Honey 9
Anatomy and Dissection of the Honey Bee 6
Anatomy and Dissection of the Honey Bee 6
Beekeeping 8
The Beekeepers Encyclopaedia 9
The Practical Bee Guide 1
The Practical Bee Guide 1
Practical Queen Rearing 6
The Skyscaper Hive 5
Beekeeping 8
Beekeeping in Antiquity 4
Basic Beekeeping 8
The Hive and the Honey Bee 3
The Art of Beekeeping 2
The Art of Beekeeping 2
A Case of Hives 5
A Case of Hives 8
British Bee Journal and Beekeeper’s Advisor 4
Guide to Bees and Honey 8
Plants and Beekeeping 5
The Spell of the Honey Bee 2
Honey Craft in Theory and Practice 4
Communication Among Social Bees 5
Ants, Bees and Wasps 4 2nd edition
Life of the Bee 4
Honey from Hive to Market 7
Honey Farming 2 3rd edition
Honey Farming 2 4th edition
Honey 7
Basic Beekeeping 9 Signed copy
Basic Beekeeping 9
The Beekeeper’s Handbook 5
Making Mead 5
Mastering the Art of Beekeeping 3 First Edition
Honey Bees from Close Up 8
Beekeeper’s Folly 1
Beekeeper’s Folly 1
Behaviour and Social Life of Honey Bees 2
ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture 7
Teach Yourself Beekeeping 6
A Murmur of Bees 7
Beekeeping 7
The Observation Hive 5
A Modern Bee Farm 3
Beekeeping Practice 6
City of the Bees 7
City of the Bees 7
Swarming: It’s Control and Prevention 6
The Introduction of Queen Bees 6
Queen Rearing 9 1st edition
Candle Making 8
The Bad Beekeepers Club 8
Beekeeping Up to Date 3 1st edition
Beekeeping Up to Date 3 2nd edition
Preparation of Liquid Honey 7
Bees: Their Vision, Chemical Senses and Language 6
Bees: Their Vision, Chemical Senses and Language 6
Behaviour of Bees 2
The Bee Craftsman 2
The Bee Craftsman 2
The Bee Craftsman 2
Background to Beekeeping 3 1st edition
The Manual of Beekeeping 1
The Manual of Beekeeping 1
The Ventilation of Bee Hives 1
The Border Bees 8
Honey Bees and their Management 9
Beekeeping – to Save Sugar Eat Honey 4
Beekeeping – to Save Sugar Eat Honey 4